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Click for: Olympus announces development of Four-Thirds DSLRPre-Photokina 2008: Olympus has today announced the development of a new Four Thirds system DSLR aimed at advanced amateur photographers. The fabled ‘tweener’ is an addition to the range positioned between the E-3 and the E-520 models, and inherits a number of the E-3’s professional-level features including its advanced high-speed 11-point autofocus system, built-in image stabilization system with up to 5 stops correction, and somewhat cryptically ‘a new and updated feature to replace the current splash- and dust-proof function’. Olympus will be exhibiting the camera at Photokina, and it is due to for release in the first quarter of 2009.

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Funny Photos

>>> Cameras you don't see everyday.

>>>What did they see???

>>>I tied a disposable camera to a bench with a sign that read...

>>>It's ok Beckham, we understand... (David Beckham get caught by his wife looking somewhere he shouldn't.)

>>>Lost puppy

>>>Don't die, stay with me, dame it!

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